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Fed Raises Rates And Home Loan Rates Improve

  • December 19, 2022
  • realestate
  • Podcast

YREL 392 | Home Loan Rates


In a world of rising rates, Financial Sanity Now shows you the path to debt freedom, credit empowerment, and strategic mortgage moves. In this episode, we have our host Michael Harris and a featured guest, Allen Lissauer from Financial Sanity Now. Together, they spill the beans on proven techniques to eliminate debt, improve credit scores, and even negotiate interest rates. Allen, armed with an advanced business degree in Economics and Finance, established Financial Sanity Now in 2005 to help people break free from the shackles of unsecured debt. The episode unpacks insights on how Financial Sanity Now has helped individuals with credit scores as low as 580 to soar to impressive heights, reaching 640, 660, and beyond. Tune in now and learn how!

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Fed Raises Rates And Home Loan Rates Improve

I’d like to know. What kind of loan do you have? It’s been an exciting year in lending. We’ve seen interest rates move up, but of late, we’ve seen them move down. We’ll talk more about that in this program. We’re helping people close loans, and we’re already starting loans to close early next. It is a busy time. Yes, people are saying, “I got a low-interest rate. Why do I need to do a loan?”

A lot of times, you have a high credit card rate. You have a home equity line that’s a little bit misbehaving. You’re not utilizing it correctly. You’re using it incorrectly, and we can discuss that with you specifically. There are ways to utilize that equity line to your advantage, and we could talk about that too. There are many things to talk about.

Every time I’m on the phone with an individual, we find out what their setup is. Whether you have a first mortgage, a second mortgage, a rental property, or a second home, what rate do you have? How many years left? How are you making those payments? Are you paying the right amount of interest on a monthly basis? Could you save money?

We met with many individuals. What we’re doing is eliminating interest debt sooner than they anticipated and sooner they were contracted. We’re not coming up with extra money. We’re not throwing extra here and extra there. We’re using money, and you are becoming the bank. Speaking of banks, the Federal Reserve went up another half. That’s the overnight lending rate. That’s the discount rate.

I’ve been mentioning it on the program after seven straight increases. We’ve moved off the three quarters and now moved to a half. I mentioned we would have half a point and possibly a quarter six weeks later and another quarter six weeks after that. The Fed target is about four and three eights range. Some of the plotting and everything else is showing that the Fed is targeting about 5.125%. That’s three-quarters more, but I’m talking about only a half more. Where are we? What’s going to happen? We’re data-dependent.

We’re seeing some of the inflationary numbers moving down. Yes, they’re moving down a little bit. They’re still high. The Fed has been targeting this 2%. Is 2% possible? There’s been talk, but maybe not now. Chairman Powell talked about it in his news conference. We’re not talking about that. There are behind-the-scenes ideas that are they going to change that to maybe a 3% or even a 4% as we go down the path of trying to get inflation in line.

Interest rates and various items will need to exceed perhaps that inflationary number. That’s what makes it odd because mortgage rates are looking long-term. They’re looking at how interest rates long-term will be going back down. The Fed, because they’re raising interest rates, doesn’t mean mortgage rates are going higher. No, they’re not. Short-term interest rates are higher than some long-term interest rates now.

We’re seeing loans closing now. Mid 5%s, not 6%, not 7%. That’s not the sexy 2%, 3%, or 4% that we had, but we are closing loans with that sexy number because we’re doing what is called 3, 2, 1 buy downs. We’re buying down the first-rate, the second-rate, and the third-rate for the third year and going on for a fixed rate for that period of time remaining. By doing that buy down of that interest rate by 1% each of those years, we’re gaining much lower interest initially for you as the buyer. We’re having, in some cases, the seller, sometimes the realtor, and sometimes the lender participates.

Because you buy down that rate for three years, what happens if you sell or refinance in year two? If the realtor or the seller is paying for that buydown, that’s your money, and it goes against your payoff demand, and you owe less on your home when you sell so you have more money in your wallet. You don’t lose the money.

These are the things that I’d like to talk to you about as you plan for your next home purchase. Pick up the phone, give us a call at (888)-543-3980. On this program, we’re going to talk more about what happened with the Fed. We’re going to talk about these interest rates. We’re going to talk about it as 2022 is ending, and we’re going into 2023. What can you do to help with your finances? In the third segment of the program, we’ll have a nice interview. Charlotte’s going to be interviewing a gentleman named Allen. We’re going to be talking about Financial Sanity Now. A lot of you have to go through various items, and that is a possible solution for you.

I’m happy to be here at the end of 2022. It’s been an interesting and challenging year, but for many, they’ve saved thousands of dollars. One of the things that we’ve been doing as we’ve been talking to individuals about their setup is some people have an interest rate in the 2%s, 3%s, or 4%s, and they’re going, “There’s nothing I can do for lending.” There’s still something you can do for your finances. That’s paying your debt off as soon as possible.

They're going, “There's nothing I can do for lending.” But there's still something you can do for your finances. Click To Tweet

Yes, you owe the balance of what your loan is. You have a contract. You owe the principal, but the interest can be maneuvered appropriately to pay off that loan sooner. We had a young lady that we spoke to who started working with us. She has a home, but she doesn’t have a mortgage. She’s renting. She has about $85,000 in debt. We looked at all the contracts and all the numbers. She was going to be paying all this off over the next years. It’s a long time.

Not adding any additional income, not changing anything finance-wise as far as income, we were able to work out a way that she’s going to be paying all of this off in a few years. She’s excited. I’m getting phone calls every few days. She’s looking at the progress already. She can’t wait. She’s talking to many other people, and we’re getting other people involved. That’s not the only example. If you own 5, 10, to 15 rental properties, and you have loans, we’re showing where you have the ability to pay those loans off in four years. We’re taking effective interest rates below 2%.

Last time on the show, I mentioned it was below 2%. I had a number of phone calls, “I heard on the radio you were talking about refinancing and getting a loan below 2%. Can I get one?” These are not Fannie Mae Freddie Mac refinancing. This is not refinancing people. This is getting a loan that you have but paying it correctly and paying it where you can reduce the interest you pay. You’re paying all your debts in half or a third of the time.

Becoming The Bank

There’s no change to your budget. There’s no debt consolidation. I’m not getting you in trouble with your creditors. You don’t need to refinance. There’s no second job. There’s no gig job here. We’re looking to help you become the bank. If you want to find out more, email me at Radio@UnitedForLoans.com. I want to have a separate consultation with you. I want to go over the program. I want to send you a couple of links and an item that you can review to get familiar.

We have appointments throughout the holidays. We had a lot with individuals who were saving them money. I was on the phone with a couple. They had bought a home. Looking at the numbers, we’re going to shave years off their loan. My loan is 135 months off my loan now. That’s where I’m slated to go. I want that to be you. If you have a loan, credit cards, student loans, debt, and things you pay monthly interest on, I want to talk to you. You don’t need to have home ownership in order to gain results. We’re taking people’s credit scores higher by owing less to their overall debt to their limits. I want to make a difference. We’re finishing 2022. We’re starting 2023. Let’s get it started correctly.

I mentioned Fed Chairman Jerome Powell, I mentioned on the fourteenth. He mentioned this line, and I was looking at it. He talks about approaching what is called the terminal rate or the peak of the Fed funds rate. As I said, maybe another quarter and maybe another quarter after that. That language has started to move over and change.

We’ve seen some economic news showing that it’s having some effects, and some of the stuff hasn’t even gone through the system yet. They did bump up by 50 basis points. I said the target is roughly about four and three-eighths. Uh, they were hoping that maybe they would halt the increases, but that’s a little premature. That may not be the best way to go.

We’re about three-quarters to 1% off their final move. When we get to those levels, we’re going to start seeing a halt. Rather than easing with the Fed overnight rate sometime in 2023, they’re talking about maybe not maneuvering at all, but that doesn’t hurt mortgage rates. That’s consumer rates. It does play a little mischief with your home equity line of credit because the rate might be higher, but I’d like to show you that your simple interest home equity line with a higher rate can sometimes be better than your amortized rate that is lower because simple interest is leveled interest, amortized interest. You’re paying close to 80% of that first mortgage payment towards interest and not principal.

The idea of refinancing, a lot of people will say, “I’m starting over.” Yes, if you take the pure savings of what you’re doing and pocket the money. What we have done over the years when we refinance, we will also advise if you didn’t refinance, you had an existing payment. By refinancing, we’re getting a lower payment.

YREL 392 | Home Loan Rates
Home Loan Rates: By refinancing, we’re getting a lower payment.


If you take the difference and apply it towards these principals, you’re not starting over because you’re picking it up where you left off and adding additional to the idea and paying it off sooner. I’m all about getting you out of debt, but I’m also about creating wealth. That’s a slight difference from some individuals who talk about it. You can get out of debt, but you’re flatbroken. I want to make sure that you have the other side that works for you. Let’s talk at (888)-543-3980.

This past week, the ten-year note was down only eight basis points. It didn’t move that much. We did see the Fannie Mae mortgage-backed securities. We price loans off improved by 65 basis points. You’ve been hearing, “Rates are higher. Rates are going up.” No, they’ve been going down. That 65 basis points is your money. That’s half a point in fee and, better, five eights in fee. We’re saving you money.

Many of you are going through a loan transaction. You are working with someone else in my industry. They may have even locked your loan. Let’s check, let’s make sure that you have the best rate for you and your family. I understand that markets move, and sometimes it may or may not be fair, but we stepped in on a loan where we lowered the rate by five eights in the rate. We lowered the fees by 0.875%, and we closed that loan in two weeks.

I want you to keep that money in your wallet. I don’t want you spending it somewhere else. It’s not, “We’ll get it back later. We’ll refinance.” No, but you spent all that money now. That’s your money. You have things to do in your new home. You got projects to do. You got things to spend on. You don’t want to throw that around. There’s loyalty. I got it, but how much are you paying for that loyalty?

We received a phone call from an individual. We went over the numbers. I explained what they could save. Their item of concern was the realtor referred them to this particular lender, and they didn’t want to hurt or get in trouble with the realtor. They were giving you some advice and information from someone that they’ve worked with before, and that’s fantastic, but the markets move. How much are you paying for that referral? You need to make sure you’re saving money. You need to make sure you’re paying the right bill and not somebody else’s.

If you’re looking at a $500,000 loan, a half a point, that’s $2,500. That’s your money. In some cases, you get the seller paid closing costs. It’s not my fee. It’s the seller. The seller could be paying for some of your other items. They could cover other things for you. We could even buy down the rate even further than where you’re getting that loan or thinking you’re getting the loan.

Let’s talk. If you’re going through a transaction and stumbled upon us now, I want to talk to you. There’s a lot going on. You have Bowl games this weekend. You have NFL games on both days. You got the World Cup and the finals being played. All these things are going on. Basketball, hockey, everything is going on. There are many things and activities. I got it, but this is your finances. You work hard each and every single day, many hours earning money that you want to spend the way you would like to spend it and not going out somewhere else, especially to somebody else needlessly.

I want to make a difference in your real estate life and finances. I want to get you closer to debt-free. I want you to pay less interest and the least amount of interest as possible. We are reducing people’s amounts that they owe. They owe their principal, and you still continue to do so, but the interest you’re paying can be relieved. It’s not by walking away from your obligation and doing various items, but it is a necessary item for some. Some have an inability to afford it, or something was an error, and it needs to be corrected. Creditors need to be spoken with. Items need to be handled.

In our third segment, we’re going to have Allen Lissauer from Financial Sanity Now. He’s going to be talking a little bit about that. That’s going to make a large difference for many of you. We can step in and still eliminate interest faster. If you have gone through debt settlement and consolidation and you have credit issues, the ideas I’m talking about can still be performed.

We’ve seen people with 580 scores go up to 640, 660, to 700 plus quickly. You are not coming up with extra money from a place you have no idea where it’s coming from. I want to make a difference. I want to talk to you. Call us at (888)-543-3980, Radio@UnitedForLoans.com. That ten-year yield is 3.49%. We’re looking good on that, as it went a lot higher. We are moving down.

We’ve got a calendar to look at. We’re looking at economic news still coming out. On Monday, we got the housing market index for December 2022. On Tuesday for November 2022, building permits and November housing permits. Wednesday for December 2022, consumer confidence and November existing home sales. Thursday, we have a quarter-three GDP chain deflator. Quarter three gross domestic product and jobless claims, as always on Thursday, on Friday, we have the Fed’s favorite durable good orders. November personal consumption expenditures. That’s going to be the core and also year over year for that.

We’re going to be looking carefully at looking at the signs of where inflation is heading. We’re going to be making decisions accordingly. It’s important that you watch those items or tune in or talk to us at United Mortgage Corporation of America because we are watching that carefully for our clients. If you’re in escrow and that’s not being watched for you, you may be having the wrong decisions made for you. I want the right decisions for you. I want you to come out on the right side of the equation. It’s important.

YREL 392 | Home Loan Rates
Home Loan Rates: It’s important that you watch those items [like inflation] or tune in or talk to us at United Mortgage Corporation of America because we are watching that carefully for our clients.


We have a lot of our audience talking about, “I’m going to wait to see if mortgage rates come down.” They are coming down. I’m going to wait to see if home prices come down. In certain markets, they’re coming down a little bit, but we’re going from maybe 2.1% appreciation on a month-over-year basis to maybe negative 0.5%, 0.9%, to 0.7%. Year over year overall, we’re still up 5%. We’re not necessarily going like gangbusters high, but we’re not going falling through the roof and plummeting either.

Talk to a professional. Talk to your local realtor. Get the information you need about the market and the zip code you’re in. Once you identify that zip code, I’d like to talk to you because there are special programs pending on your zip code and what is happening, especially if you’re a first-time home buyer. A first-time home buyer is defined as not having home ownership in the last three years.

For a low down payment, many of the adjustments to pricing have gone away. That’s to the detriment of some that are doing cash out. Cash-out refinances now have additional adjustments. Even if you’re 60% loan to value or better, you still have that three eights for a high score. It goes to five eights. With those adjustments, we can talk about if you’re doing cash out. We have to see if there’s a net tangible benefit.

We’re not doing it to do a loan. We need to understand if it is right for you. Call us at (888)-543-3980. We’re looking at those median incomes, whether it’s 120% or 180% in different counties. We’re looking at those buy downs that we talked about, about saving you money. Just because It’s year-end doesn’t mean you hibernate and crawl up in the fetal position and hide. No, it means you have to start planning.

Are you looking to buy? Are you renting? Your landlord loves you. You don’t need that love in your life. You are making their mortgage payment. I want your tax advisor. When you look at your taxes, I want you to maximize your return, gain the deductions you don’t have now, change your deductions at work, and get 2023 going in the right spot, place, and direction. I want to make a difference. Let’s save money. Let’s make it yours. Let’s put it to work for you in a way that’s helping you and your family and your future.

When we come back from the break, we’re going to be talking down this hour. Charlotte’s going to be doing an interview at Charlotte night. I’m going to be turning it over to her for a small segment. We’re going to come back after that and continue to talk about ways to save money when it comes to the interest you are paying.

There are situations where you are looking at negotiating some of your credit cards or settling large debts. There are credit repair issues. You got first mortgage negotiations, especially those of you who had a forbearance. They didn’t come back through for you and moved it to the arrears. They want that due. You’re trying to make things right, but you need help.

That’s what our segment will be all about. Lease negotiations, short sale items, medical negotiations, these things can be done. It’s not for everyone, but it is for some. We are here to provide solutions for you. On previous programs and programs going into 2023, we have Mauritius Charvanay, who talks to us about your finances when it comes to your estate planning.

It’s important to plan ahead and not make decisions and go, “Should I have done that?” No, you need to think ahead. It’s having the right insurance. It’s the right holding for you and your family. Getting you into a home is important, but staying in that home and being comfortable in that home is equally important. I want you to go in that home and walk out comfortably and not have the deadbolt latch behind you, and you are trapped. That is not the idea.

It’s understanding the decisions. It’s understanding what you can do to move forward with your real estate life. We’re helping investors. We’re going to be talking in the fourth segment about various loans, death service coverage, ratio loans, reverse mortgages, and so much more. We will have more right after the break.

There are many things to talk about. It’s the end of 2022. It doesn’t mean we’re done. Business is still occurring. We have many transactions that are still closing to make the end of the year and some going into 2023. Some are tax situations where we need to close by the end of a certain point to make certain obligations. We’re getting that done. We’re usually ahead of the game. That’s what’s nice. We ran to the finish line as fast as possible. We can catch our breath and not have it as a stress stressful environment. That’s what I’ve done.

It's the end of 2022. It doesn't mean we're done. Business is still occurring. Click To Tweet

I have been in lending several seasons of years doing this. We got the hang of it. We want to walk you through the situation. You may not have done this before. It could be your first time. You may have done it before, but things change. Guidelines change, and various things happen. Some of those things are unfortunate. We’ve been there during different markets where people have gone upside down on their homes. They’ve lost their homes and jobs. They’ve had affordability issues where there have been foreclosures, short sales, and bankruptcies.

People have come out of those, but some people are holding on. Sometimes, those situations and solutions are difficult to maintain or make. Sometimes, you need a little bit of assistance. Allen Lissauer with Financial Sanity Now is going to be joining us here and be part of our show for a little bit. He’s going to have some monthly segments and some commercials that you’ll hear during the breaks on various shows. I want to go to Alan and Charlotte. Charlotte, what do you have for us with your interview with Allen?

This is Charlotte Knight. I am interviewing the Founder of Financial Sanity Now, Allen Lissauer. Financial Sanity Now, based in Southern California, is a consumer advocate company that has been active and successful since 2005. Allen, who has an advanced business degree in Economics and Finance, established Financial Sanity Now to help people get out of enormous amounts of unsecured debt. His company focuses on consumer debt, such as credit card debt, medical debt, student loans, and others. I’d like Allen to talk a little bit more on this. Welcome to the show.

Thank you so much, Charlotte Knight.

Allen, I want to ask you. If John Smith walks into your office and he’s got $20,000 worth of debt in credit cards, how can you help him?

First, let me say that when he walks in, he not only has the $20,000, but he has $4,000 in interest that he’s paying. He has $24,000. Most people don’t realize that. That’s $370 a month. When he starts paying that every month, he pays $400 or $420. He’s not reducing his debt. What do we do? We come along, and we reduce the interest rate. If you reduce the interest rate, the money goes to the principal. That is what we do for people. We reduce it to near zero, and they’re able to pay off their debt and keep their credit card.

The other way we can do this is we can settle the debt. If you have $20,000, we can possibly settle it for as little as $5,000 or $6,000. That’s a tremendous savings. There are advantages and disadvantages to the two ways to get out of debt. Either way, you’re going to get out of debt, and you’re going to get a fresh start. What we do is in our free consultations, we go over what’s best for you. That’s what we care about.

What’s stopping me from going to the credit card company and trying to get that deal myself? Why should I come to you?

I almost laugh because what they’ll do is they’re going to say, “You’re a great customer, thank you, and no.” They’re not interested in reducing interest rates. That’s where they make their money. They’re not interested in giving you to pay less. We know how to negotiate that. We’ve dealt with the banks for several years. We know where they’ll go, how low they’ll go, and what programs are available. They don’t advertise this. You’ll never see it advertised, “Come to us. We’ll give you zero interest.” That’s not happening. We know how to do it. We will show you this and customer referrals.

How can somebody get hold of you if they need to reach you on this?

The easiest way is to call us at 234-345-DEPT or (234)-345-3328. Go to our website, and the numbers are there. That’s FinancialSanityNow.com. You will feel more seen about your finances if you go there.

Thank you so much, Allen. I would like to invite you back for our next segment. Perhaps you can talk a little bit more about other debt that you do. I understand you do medical debt, student loans, and many others. If you don’t mind, please come back again. Thanks very much, guys.

Thank you, Charlotte and Allen. We look forward to reading more about the various items that can be done because our consumers and readers are in need of financial help. They need that sanity. Apropos title to the company, Financial Sanity Now. A lot of people are reluctant. It’s a free call, but if you don’t make that call, it’s going to cost you thousands of dollars.

Making that decision moving forward and going on is what is important. We talk about that on this program where people are saving money and doing what they are doing. I broadened it back to when I started in radio. In two instances, live on the radio, someone said they can’t afford to lower their rate. They need all the deductions they can get.

You’re deducting a higher amount, but you’re not getting all of it based on your tax bracket and you’re not gaining. After going over it, the solution was, I’m going to help you. I’m going to raise your rate to 12%. I’m going to increase your deductions. I don’t want to do that. Why not? You don’t want to lower the rate. You need all the deductions you can get. I want to increase them for you. It doesn’t make sense. You’re right.

YREL 392 | Home Loan Rates
Home Loan Rates: You need all the deductions you can get.


Financial Potential

Our goal is to minimize the amount of interest you pay for the money that you borrow. Borrowing money is a necessity of leverage to sometimes gain your ability to purchase. If you have cash and you have the cash to burn, you can do that because you have more coming in. Most are living paycheck to paycheck, or they have some reserves and some items there, but they don’t have the ability to come up with this large total for home ownership or other obligations, car or other items, even student loans.

We want to make sure you are handling that, and you become the bank. Make the decisions that others have made that you have not been told. Let me show you what you can do. Radio@UnitedForLoans.com, you can email me or call me at (888)-543-3980. I want to send you a few links that you can review.

No harm, no foul, no one’s going to bother you, no one’s selling your information to anyone. I want to send these items for your review. I want to know what you think. I like to run your numbers. I want to have a conversation with you. Maybe it’s one meeting and maybe the second meeting. We’re going to gather and get your numbers and show you how much money you can save. It’s your decision to take it on.

I can show you that I can save you money. I want to make and have you understand what is possible. It’s not sometimes doing the same old and doing the same thing. It’s opening your mind up to something that you have not been shown before. Let me help. It’s Radio@UnitedForLoans.com or (888)-543-3980. I can have those right in your inbox, and we can discuss them later. We have one more segment to go. We’ll have more after the break.

Loan Options In 2023

I’m here during the holiday season. I want to make sure you have the right direction when you look at your finances for 2023. We talked about different types of loans that are available. The 30-year fixed and even a 40-year with interest only for ten years. There are buy-down loans because it’s sexy to get back to the 2%s, 3%s, and 4%s. We have loans now that can go back to those numbers for one year, the second year, the third year, and go to a fourth year that stays fixed thereafter.

It’s not only a 3, 2, 1 buydown. We could do a two-one, a one-one, or a one-zero. We can talk more about those, how they pertain to you, what your plans are, and what you’re looking to accomplish and do. A lot of it also has to do with perhaps the purchase price of your property where it appraises and getting the seller, if possible, to throw money towards the close, whether it’s $5,000 or $10,000. In some cases, we’ve seen a lot more than that.

One of the loans we disclosed had $14,000 plus going towards closing costs from the seller. There was a good concession. The property was appraised. Sometimes, you have to offer higher to get the money back. We could look at those items. We see what makes sense. Do you have money now, or you’ll have more money tomorrow?

Sometimes, you have to offer higher to get the money back. Click To Tweet

As we look at interest rates and as we closed a set of loans over the past few months and rates were higher, after the sixth payment, we’re going to look to lower these interest rates for these individuals because we were advising here on the show and you can read all of our past shows if you choose to. They’ll be posted after they’re on the air at YourRealEstateLife.com or United4Loans.com.

You can read back and check it out, but we were saying you want to spend the least amount, points, and fees possible to close. Once you close and you’re not at all those funds, we can look back at refinancing and lowering that rate at a later time. Some of those later times are, even now they’re starting to materialize. As I said, rates would come down. Everyone would go, “They’re going higher.” The long-term mortgage rates have been moving down.

There are other types of loans that are available for those of you who are not under the Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac loan. The loan sizes have changed. The conforming limit now is $726,200. In some markets, it goes up to $1,089,300. I mentioned in various markets, there are differences. Los Angeles is that $1,089,300. Orange County is $1,089,300. Riverside and San Bernardino, there’s no high balance. It’s $726,200. It’s a jumbo loan. We could talk about solutions to that. In San Diego, $977,500. In Santa Barbara, $805,000. It’s interesting there. They use the phone number there. In Ventura County, $948,750.

Non-Qualified Mortgages

There are different numbers. We would take a look and see how we can get those to maneuver in. Sometimes, we’re being creative with a home equity line if it’s close or it makes sense interest rate-wise. We want to look at your credit score, the equity position, how much down you’re putting, and if you can gain that 80%, 100%, or 120% of the median income to get better pricing with lower down payments.

There are other types of loans. The non-qualified mortgage, the one that’s slightly outside the box, the ones that I utilize, cashflow, asset depletion. When I look at cashflow, I’m looking at bank statements. In some cases, I’ve got loans that look at the first page of a bank statement. The thing is, the least amount of items you provide, the higher the rate. We want to make sure we can provide the most to get the best result.

There’s the first page of bank statements. There are 1, 2, and 3 months bank statements. You can go six months, 12 months, 24 months, whether it’s business or personal bank statements. We’re going to look at that cashflow, business, and how it maneuvers and goes. Sometimes businesses that have been in place for several years. You had a great year. Now that the year is ending, is it a rush to file the tax return at the beginning of the first quarter? Is it going, “We got a profit and loss, and we haven’t filed the return yet, and we’re going off the two years of returns prior to qualifying?”

We’re going to look at those bank statements if those tax returns are not showing bottom-line income because you have allowable deductions. Whether you’re a corporation, a Schedule C, a 1099, or you have write-offs, we are going to look at what is shown. If you’re W-2, do you have a bonus? Do you have overtime? Do you have a history of that bonus of overtime? Do you have 2, 3, or 4 jobs? Do you have a history of multiple jobs? All of these things are looked at.

We also have an ITIN loan, a taxpayer identification loan where you do not need to have a course or a social security number. You have a taxpayer ID. You’re here legally working. We can close those as little as 11% down. I’m being cute. It’s 89% loan to value. The competition is 75% to 80%. We can go 11% down for higher credit scores. We could talk more about that if you have an ITIN loan.

If you have an ITIN and you have a spouse who doesn’t, we could have to go ITIN if we’re using the income of that ITIN holder. We want to be careful and diligent about getting you qualified. Getting a pre-approval is key to any purchase transaction. Even a refinance, we got to get the documentation and understand if we got a pre-approval.

Pre-approval is the verification of the documentation. A prequalification is a conversation. It starts with a conversation. It doesn’t, in my case, start with a credit pull. I’m not looking to pull your credit. I want to talk to you about your credit, and you’re going to be telling me how things are. Hopefully, it’s an honest answer. I’m going to gather your documentation, have it uploaded securely or sent over or picked up, and we’re going to gather those items, go through it, find out what you qualify for, and run credit as needed when we are ready to go and gain that pre-approval.

We don’t lead with credit. We discuss credit, gather documentation to make sure your numbers are right, and make sure what we can do. We can work on credit and improve credit as needed. We’ve been able to accomplish that. We’re full service. I have been doing this for many years in lending, and I want to make a difference in your real estate life.

Pick up the phone, give me a call at (888)-543-3980. I won’t rest until your call is answered or returned or you have answers to what you were inquiring about. The team is picking up the phone. Any missed phone calls I get on the line, and I will call you back directly myself. You can go back and read the program, but if you’re here now, you got the number. You have everything you need.

There is no need to go back because you can have your very own program. I want to know what it is you are looking to do. Buy your first property or refinance. Maybe you have too much debt. Your interest rates are high. Maybe we have to start by lowering those rates and look at getting rid of that interest that you owe and paying it off sooner. We talked about that. Get rid of that interest debt, pay it off sooner, be debt-free, and create wealth. Call (888)-543-3980.

Your lender loves you. You don’t need that love in your life. You need to make it stop. Your landlord loves you. You’re making their mortgage payment. Let’s make it stop. I love numbers. They’re in the middle of my desk. I tackle them every day. I will look to maximize your results. I want to be on your team. I want to be your teammate. I love numbers. I don’t push them off to the left or the right. I don’t push them off my desk. I tackle them, and I bring them to you so that you can understand. You don’t want to handle those. I understand you do what you do best. Continue to do what you do best. I can only pretend to do what you do.

Let me help you. Let me be on your team. I want to be your teammate. Call (888)-543-3980. Go to YourRealEstateLife.com. You can sign up there and get our newsletter that will go out on Fridays. You can catch up on the week that’s coming. We can get you on that list. I can also talk to you about your holdings. Whether you own real estate, you have a loan or don’t. I want to make sure your debt structure is right. You can make decisions that you want to make for you and your family’s future. Whether it’s getting the right coverage that you’re not able to afford now.

By freeing up various items and eliminating obligations and debt, you can make a lot of these decisions, but you’re not necessarily going to be a perfect decision-maker. Utilizing a financial GPS system that I’ve talked about, being able to make the right financial moves without emotion. When you drive in your car, you set up a destination, and you make a wrong turn, and it says recalculate. That’s what I am talking about.

I’m talking about a perfect system, getting you to the right place in the fastest way possible based on what is going on. If you add obligations or debt, it recalculates. If you come in with a lump sum because you found some money and you do something different, it’s going to tell you where you are now. It’s going to show you how much money you saved and how much your debt’s going to be paid off. It stays up to date with you.

With all the right information inputted, it gives you all the right answers coming back. If you could have a perfect financial individual, imagine if you hired a financial planner and he gave you every single answer correctly. Not even a financial planner could be perfect on everything. No, this is going to give you perfect dates, perfect timing, perfect amounts, everything you need to do to make the decisions, and the best way possible to maximize your rate of return wealth creation. It sounds too good to be true, but it’s not.

There’s no obligation. I’d like to show you how. Your number and information are not being sold. It’s not going anywhere else. It’s crossing my desk. I will make it my mission to speak and work with you. Go over the items of what can be done so you can make a decision. If you spend fifteen minutes every two weeks or even every month looking at your bills and organizing, you have your own way of doing it. Some of you still put it on envelopes in a drawer. Some of you are using a spreadsheet on your computer using Excel. Some are using a checkbook still.

Depending on what you’re doing and how you’re doing it, it’s no different. Now you have something telling you when, why, and how to do it the best way possible. You own this for life. You have support. You have people that are there on your team helping you throughout the process. You have education, backup, and everything you need. I like to show you how that works.

I don’t get behind many things, but this one, I’m behind. I’ve done a lot of this over my lifetime, but I’d say it’s not been a perfect decision-making process. I like to think it was, but it’s not. I was reaching out to various ideas to help our audience. A lot of our audience I saw that was going into dire straits a little bit during COVID. There are a lot of obligations and debt. Some of those were our landlords. The ones that weren’t gaining rent payments.

They were looking at ways to help lower their obligations. This was a way to help their mortgage be eliminated sooner. They are getting rid of that obligation and getting them in a better spot. They had to make amends, maybe sell property, do things, and they got through. The best thing about this is we have individuals who are able to buy additional property with additional doors to rent, gaining additional income and accelerating their debt to be paid. It’s gaining a new loan but paying everything off even sooner.

I’d like to show you how that works. It’s unique. If you have not been a product to it or no one’s shown you, we have insurance professionals, financial planning business managers, and realtors who are looking at this product and utilizing it with their clients. Their clients are benefiting tremendously. If you’re a real estate agent or a realtor and you’re in the business, how would you like to have and show your clients how they can continue to buy more property on the investment side, even utilize what is called a DSCR loan, a Debt Service Coverage Ratio loan to qualify and pay off these debts so darn soon. They want another property.

It can be done. This could be done for you and your fellow realtors. You have a way that you can broaden your reach. I’m working with a tremendous amount of real estate agents who are utilizing this product and building additional clientele. It’s also something I have done with our clients at our company to allow them to be in a better position even after acquiring a property and making life a little bit more affordable.

We’ve also had our professional groups utilize this in the divorce arena. A lot of times, it’s how you look at debt and you divvy up items. You look at it from a tax perspective, a financial perspective, and the attorneys. Sometimes, you can take debt and interest. You can maneuver that in a way that makes a settlement a little bit more amenable to everyone.

You can also save a lot of marriages because one individual in the marriage is handling all the bills. Not all the time, but sometimes, they share those duties. Maybe they do. If one handles it and the other one doesn’t, or one has an idea, and the other one has a different idea, this is a perfect financial GPS system that both can understand and agree upon. If there’s a different decision that’s made, that decision could be entered in and shown the results before they occur.

We’re saving marriages. We’ve had that response from many saying this is great. We’re not arguing over how the bills are being paid. Call us at (888)-543-3980. I look forward to talking to you. What you’ll get? You’re going to get back a text of information if the lines are busy. If you have any missed calls, I’m getting back to you myself. Hold on tight because I’m going to be calling you back shortly. I’ll be reaching out to you.

If you call (888)-543-3980, you don’t get someone live. Let us know the best time to reach you. Maybe throw your email there. I can get you some of those links so you can review those. I want to make a difference in your real estate life. I want to help you with your finances and your numbers. Call now. Thank you so much. Have a good 2022. Until the next episode, what loan do you have?


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