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Banking Fears Ease, Bonds Not Pleased

YREL 407 | Interest Rates


Interest rates have come back down. It may be good news, but banking and bonds are not that happy about it. Michael Harris explains how you should approach such a market change, all while eliminating debts as soon as possible. He also underlines the many benefits of using a perfect financial GPS program. This time, he is joined by Heidi Keener to explain this program further, detailing the three different types of people who use it.

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Banking Fears Ease, Bonds Not Pleased

It’s April Fool’s Day 2023 but what I’m going to be talking about in this episode is I’m not pulling your leg and telling you something that you owe. This is not true. We’ll get that out of the way. What I’m talking about is factual information that’s going to help you with your real estate life. I’m the CEO of United Mortgage Corporation of America. I’ve been in the business for many years of helping people save money when it comes to purchasing, whether they’re refinancing, going forward, or going in reverse, or whether you’re looking at commercial property construction of a home. Maybe you’re doing some consolidation of some debt.

There’s responsible consolidation, especially when you have these higher credit cards as interest rates have been moving higher on the consumer side when they go up to 20% or 30%, which I’ve seen on some credit cards. It’s incredible. Some individuals have a great mortgage rate with a 2%, 3%, or even 4% as the front number. They’re not looking to get rid of that as the lion’s share of their balance to consolidate that debt but other debt that’s not going anywhere. The average interest rate gets a little bit up there when you average everything together.

I’m not looking to attack that by getting rid of your first item at first glance. I like to look at your whole debt structure, your first, maybe your equity line or those credit cards, and your other monthly obligations. I am taking a look at what your outflow is to your inflow, looking at what your discretionary cash is at the end of every month, and utilizing eight principles of money to eliminate interest debt sooner. There’s amortized interest and simple interest. There are effective ways to hold your money longer when you have other people’s money without interest. It sounds like a tongue twister.

When you have items that you gain a bill and it says the due date, and then you’re not late until the said date, why are you paying 30 to 45 days early on money that’s free to you? We’re coming into tax time but we’re in an emergency state here in our state so taxes aren’t due until October but normally on April 18th, 2023. People are getting their taxes done. Try reaching your CPA. They’re busy. They are staying up late. All of a sudden, you’re getting emails at 10:00 at night. You’re staying up late. All my tax returns have been completed and done so I’m relieved at that. The goal is not, “I got a refund.” That might be nice when this money came back to you but that was your money in the first place.

You lent the money all year at zero interest. Good for you. “Thank you.” No, that’s not what you want. You like to owe just a little bit, and make sure you had that money and you were working responsibly. Can you imagine these people who are getting $3,000 or $4,000 back and they got a refund or even hundreds of dollars back going, “Yippee?” If they had that throughout the year, how much interest could they have avoided on any other debt or obligation that they had that could have been working effectively for them even with $100 a month of discretionary additional?

You don’t want to lend your money all year at zero interest. Make sure you have money and works responsibly for you. Click To Tweet

That money could have eliminated a lot of interest that’s being paid in the earlier years than the latter years on obligations that they have. That sounds like a lot of stuff I threw at you but the bottom line is I like to show you an opportunity, a perfect financial GPS program, a program that will navigate you through a process without any hiccups at all. It is 90 days in advance, perfectly computing everything day-to-day. Account is staying up to date, balances, and interest you’re paying.

It’s only as good as the information we put in. I’d like to do a couple of steps here. I want to send you information that you can take a look at and watch on video very quickly and easily. Go to Radio@United4Loans.com. I like to send you out information. I like to look at that, get your opinion, and then earn your numbers and run them to show what the program opportunity can do for you. It’s that simple. We’re going to have a very exciting program. In the third segment, we have Heidi Keener joining us. She has joined us before the end of 2022. She’s going to talk more about this opportunity, lay it out to you in about seven minutes, and understand it better. My goal is to get you involved and save your money.

I’m talking to you on April Fool’s Day 2023 but you’re not a fool. You’re reading this. I’m not pulling your leg and telling you something that’s not right while saying, “April fools.” No. I’m here talking to you about your checkbook, money, and pocketbook, saving you that money, and paying off your obligation sooner in a better and more effective way. This is something that no one else is sharing with you. It’s what the banks are doing with your money. I’m here to help retire your debt 1/3 or 1/2 the time. I do home loans.

We are a mortgage banking firm. We help people get into property and get them the right loan for their unique situation, whether they’re self-employed or salaried, whether they perhaps have partnerships, pension, or Social Security. Whatever their income stream is, we look for the best opportunities for lending to gain the property that they’re looking to buy. We work with qualified individuals and realtors who handle listings and sales. We do not list or sell. I’m a licensed broker here in the state of California. I’m approved in five states, California, Colorado, Montana, Texas, and the state of Washington.

Rates Going Down

I can help with investment property loans in about 30 other states where I’m not approved to do business. I will look to refer you to other professionals that I know can get the job done. If you’re buying at other markets, I like to review your loan estimate for you. If it’s a closing disclosure, it might be a little too late in the game but I want to make sure you’re getting the right rates with the right timing and market. I’ve received a loan estimate. It looked pretty good if it was a few weeks ago but rates had come back down. The loan estimate was more for that timing so there was more padding in the pocket. That money was their money and they needed to get it back, whether the person locked in the loan or not.

The loan was not closed and they had an opportunity in time to get a better rate and they shouldn’t have settled for anything else. They went back and made a decision. They’re getting a better rate and they’re still going to close on time. Whether that’s moving over to me or staying with that other individual, the goal is making sure your results are right. In this case, it was in the state that I was not approved but they were able to get the job done. They were very thankful for the help, information, and money that it saved. I’ve done the same thing here locally where we’ve had individuals who were paying too much. They had a trusted individual.

A lot of times, it is the right person. I don’t say anything wrong about that individual but the market made what they did, which is to date it. It wasn’t the right move and they needed to pivot. They needed to make a different move to represent the client best rather than hoping it wouldn’t be noticed, it would go away, and everything would be peachy. There are two obligations there. They’re getting referrals from that real estate partner and they want to make sure the deal closes on time. I understand that. We still look to pivot and close on time.

I also have an obligation of fiduciary responsibility to that client and make sure I’m representing them properly and spending their money the way I spend mine sparingly. I want value for my money so should they. If I’m not wanting to spend an extra $2,000 or $3,000, why would they? If I’m able to lower the rate, lower the cost, or manipulate an item based on market conditions, I’m looking to do that or share what that means to the transaction. If there were to be a delay, it would be a decision that all parties would need to make and see if that was possible.

It’s not a unilateral decision but the decision and the option should be presented. I’m not looking to get complicated, go over things, and solve for sixteen variables like, “Now we’re doing this and that.” No. It’s very direct. The market has moved. We have a rate betterment. We locked in your loan because that’s what we wanted to do. Rates are better. We have an option, “Do we want to do this, what this means and what that is?” We make those decisions together.

It’s your money. It’s not mine. I want to make sure we spend it correctly and it has value. That’s the integrity that we bring to United Mortgage Corporation of America. As the President and CEO of the company, the buck stops with me. I want to make sure your money is spent right and what we do best translates to you. You do what you do best. I can’t pretend to do your job. I may think I know how to get there but I’m not the one doing it. As you’ve been doing things a lot longer, you realize, “I can do that. No, that’s not what I need to be doing. I don’t need to be getting on the ladder, going on the roof, and doing what I think I can do because I’m going to get hurt. I may know how to do it but doesn’t mean I should be.”

Your money is yours. It is not owned by anyone else. Make sure to spend it correctly and has value. Click To Tweet

Client Story

As a lender, you have people who feel they can go get their loan. Maybe they can but did they spend correctly? Probably not. They may think they did and that’s fine. It’s all about being confident in your decision and I appreciate that but a lot of times, the money is left on the table. We had a gentleman at the end of 2022. He was going to be spending about $6,000 to $8,000 additional to close. His rate was 5/8 higher than it should be. He was getting hit on two different fronts. Supposedly, he was out of time. We were able to run and get this thing done and close on the exact closing date and we were able to pick up and run. The other lender was saying that it would cause a delay.

The problem is the more they wanted to kick and scream causing a delay, the more they were wasting time that was able to get things caught up within only about a few days to where they were already and we were able to scoop right on by, even in an appraisal that quickly. Things can get done. We can close loans in fourteen days and get things handled, even VA loans and FHA Loans. We’re getting these loans closed. It’s about being prepared and talking to you about gaining your documentation. If I need 10 things, I need 10 things. I’m not looking for six.

Times depend upon if you’re W-2 salaried. Maybe don’t have overtime and bonus. Maybe I can ask for one year of this or that or just this and not the tax return. If you own multiple properties or you acquired a property in 2022 and haven’t filed a return yet, I need to know the closing statement because I don’t have a record yet of it and the rent coming in. There are things I’m going to ask as I get to know what is happening in your real estate life and finances.

I’ve taken that additional step further in this market because we don’t have all these people wanting to refinance and lower their rate as we’ve had so it’s a product of lowering interest that you pay on your existing debt. Whether it’s expensive debt or less expensive debt, I can make it even less expensive. We’re seeing effective interest rates going down below 2%. This is not a refinance, debt consolidation, or debt settlement. It’s not making things go away. You are responsible for the principle that you contract to sign for. I’m talking about eliminating those higher-interest payments that you also contracted. You contracted for a term. You’re changing the term of the loan by eliminating debt sooner.

By eliminating early interest, you’re moving the scale further down so a larger percentage of your payment goes toward the principal. If you looked at a typical 30-year loan, it could take 21.4 years before you’re paying 50/50. Interest and debt are in the principal. I want to bring that much sooner. I’m taking people’s debts down to 12, 11, 8, 7, 1, and 5.9 years. We’re taking debt and eliminating the whole thing, interests, principal, everything. We are utilizing the principles of money, a perfect financial GPS. In our next segment, we will have a summary of this program.

What I’m asking you is to have an email available at Radio@United4Loans.com. If you’re able to send that email, I want to send you a few links to look at. I want you to understand a little bit better what I’m talking about, and then I like to have a one-on-one with you. I want to go ahead and gain your numbers so we can show effectively the results of what this opportunity can do for you and your finances. If you owe anybody money, this is a program and an opportunity that can help you. If it can’t, maybe it’s not for everyone but it’d be nice to know if it can help you achieve a better credit score, eliminate debt sooner, or eliminate debt early before retirement.

Paying Debt Early

We’ve had many who we have taken to different levels. We have had seniors pay off debt. We’ve had people getting started paying off debt in their 30s and 40s. I had bought a new home where I owed a little over 26 years on the mortgage. I could have prepaid this and did that and paid some extra as everyone would always try to do. I could have taken it down but I was leaving money on the table. This opportunity is stating to save me $208,000 in interest.

If I tried to mimic and do what I was doing without utilizing this perfect financial GPS, I was leaving about $30,000 or $40,000 on the table. I may have gotten $160,000 to $170,000 of it but I still would have a balance. I had to work hard to make sure I was on schedule and stay on the course. This is going to help you stay the course and have someone there helping you. You don’t have to do everything it’s telling you to do but it will tell you what that does to your payoff time, which is still going to be better perhaps than what you have now. It’s nice to have that person on your side.

I’m looking to help you with one of the largest items you have, financing a home, purchase, or refinance. I’m also looking to make sure I’m helping you with the responsibility of eliminating that debt the best way possible by having it not be a burden. You gain a property but I want you to be able to go in and out of that property with free will rather than the deadbolt going behind you and going home every day going, “Oh, my God.”

YREL 407 | Interest Rates
Interest Rates: When you gain a property, you must be able to get in and out of it with freewill rather than having a deadbolt going behind you.


I want you to be happy to be home and be on a path of creating wealth by eliminating your debt. We’re not putting you on pork and beans. We’re not starving you or changing your lifestyle. We’re showing you the availability of an opportunity that’s going to allow you to achieve better success with your numbers. Nobody else’s. You can tell other people about it and do all that but I want you to show and see your success for at least 30 days. I want you to go through a good billing cycle and you’re going to be wowed.

You can go tell people more about it because you have your wow. As excited as you’re going to be when you get these videos and links to watch, I want you to exercise the focus to you. This is your time to come out ahead and you don’t have to be there for everyone else yet. You can talk to everyone else once you are okay and you are on the path. When you tell others, I’d like to tell you how we’re going to help you pay off your debt even sooner. Good to talk to you about that but that’s not our focus in this episode. Our focus is on making sure you are on the right path.

I’m talking to you about a money max program, a perfect financial GPS program that’s going to allow you to handle your debt responsibly and pay off your obligations in 1/3 or 1/2 the time without refinancing. For some of you, it makes sense to refinance. For one of our clients, we just finished his refinance. He got a rate of 6.125% and didn’t pay any points, a no-point loan. We consolidated many different credit cards and items he had at much higher interest rates.

The Perfect Financial GPS Program

We moved everything at 6% to 7% level. We’re going to utilize this perfect financial GPS program, which he signed up for. We’re going to update all the credit card items and show him paid down to zero, put the new debt in, rerun his numbers, and eliminate his debt even sooner because we’re attacking a lower interest rate than the higher interest rate we were attacking before, thus causing his payoff to be even lower. We were already saving them tons and tons of money but I wanted to take it two steps. I wanted to save him more.

What we’re going to do, because we did a no-point loan, is we’re going to be in a position in 6 months to 1 year to lower his rate even further and stay on the program and attack. We’re going to pay it off even sooner. We went from sooner to better and we’re going to go to better again. We’re simplifying, attacking, and paying off. He’s got a perfect financial GPS program telling him what he’s doing month-to-month, where his money’s going, and what he needs to do. He’s in control. He’s able to eliminate a lot of these Excel spreadsheets and various things some people spend hours on. He’s going to spend about fifteen minutes a month.

He’s able to log on to the information that’s protected but also doesn’t have account numbers, names, or anything there. If someone did hack it, all they know is this is an effective money management but they have no idea who it belongs to. There are no account numbers. They have no idea where to go and what to do. Your bills aren’t there. You’re still paying your bills, whether you have an ACH or an automatic payment, you’re writing a check, or whatever it is you’re doing. It’s just telling you the best days or what days to do these things and what transfers to make.

How many of you are getting 0.1% on your checking account still? You’re hearing interest rates are rising and you’re at 0.1%? You should have your idled money sitting at least 3.4% to 3.6%, maybe even 4%. How much money do you have going out the window just because you have it idled incorrectly that you can go ahead and click and transfer to make payments even if it’s a savings account? You can move money and have it parked there. Even if you earned an extra $10, $15, $30, or $100 a month, that money I can show you how many years I can help take off your debt. It’s all about gathering and getting and being efficient.

I’m going to help you to get to that process. Call at (888) 543-3980. You can’t tell but I’m excited. I’ve been doing this for many years. I have this enthusiasm. I want to help you save money. My debt was under ten years. Maybe I should have done it a lot sooner. I sold a home and moved up over the years to various homes. I used the equity. I have a lesser mortgage equity position on my existing. I went out and got a home equity line of credit that I’m going to utilize to manipulate items even further.

I’m doing the same. I’m practicing what I preach. I want to be there for you. I want to guide you through the process and have you understand. You don’t have to be a financial expert. I am not asking you to, all of a sudden, be a numbers person. I put numbers in the middle of my desk. You may move to the left or the right of yours or off your desk altogether but I put them in the middle of mine.

YREL 407 | Interest Rates
Interest Rates: Through a perfect financial GPS program, you can manage your numbers and love it more. But you need to have an open mind to understand that you can save money.


I want to have someone else be that person for you, a perfect financial GPS program that will help you and even those who love numbers. You have to have that open mind to understand that you can save money. When we come back in the next segment, we’re going to have a summary of this program. It’s going to be done by Heidi Keener, one of the leaders of this program. I want you to read it carefully. Email me at Radio@United4loans.com or call (888) 543-3980 to get started.

I’m excited. We’re talking about lending but also eliminating debt. I wanted to bring a segment back to our program that’s very special to me because it made a big difference in what I was doing even though I’m a numbers person. I was able to take my debt structure on the surface from 27 years down to under 10 years. Maybe I was going to mimic it and I was about 13.7. The additional four years I thank to this perfect financial GPS program. Joining us in this episode is Heidi Keener. Heidi, let’s summarize the program.

Thank you, Michael, for having me on this program. It’s always good to be a part of something like this and talk to an educated audience such as yours. I’ve got a background in Financial Planning and I’ve done that for many years. What I found is that I mainly was working in the retirement market and helping clients that were 50 and older plan for retirement.

What I kept seeing time and time again was that 50% of my clients weren’t comfortable retiring because they felt like their debt burden was too high, their mortgage, their student loans sometimes for them or their kids, car loans, and credit cards. They just felt like it was too much of a burden to be able to retire while still having those monthly debt obligations. They were fearful that they would run out of money.

I realized that as a financial advisor, building clients’ wealth is our primary job in that industry. However, there are two different ways to go about that. You can increase the clients’ assets or decrease their liabilities. I find that most advisors only focus on increasing assets. What we decided to do was to also, in addition to increasing assets, focus on decreasing liabilities so that we could exponentially build a client’s wealth. This program is a revolutionary tech platform, which is incredible.

What it does is it will take a client from where they are now, let’s say 30 years on a brand new mortgage, and pay off in about 1/3 to 1/2 the time. That’s not just their mortgage. This works with any type of debt and includes all debts like IRS debt, medical bills, student loans, and credit cards. There’s no refinancing needed and no change to a client’s cashflow or change their budget, which is incredible. Yes, we can all get out of debt if we go on a financial diet but that’s no fun and nobody wants to do that.

The way that we describe this program to help people get out of debt in a rapid amount of time is that it is like a GPS for your finances. We are going to map out a plan taking you from where you are now to zero in the fastest way possible but just like a GPS, as you may scope your route driving across the country from Washington DC say to California, you scope out a plan and map it out but along the way, things happen. The reason that GPS is so revolutionary is that it adapts in real-time to the conditions around you.

With every other financial program that I’ve ever seen, you have to follow it. You have to follow a budget and a spreadsheet. It’s not fun and it’s not real life. With this program, it’s following you. You map out a plan and then all of a sudden, you get a pay increase, a child boomerangs home and moves back in with you, or a pandemic happens or life happens. Our finances are constantly changing. We make more income one month or spend more at Christmas time. Things will change. This program is going to adapt to you. It might say at the start, “We’re going to take your 30-year mortgage and all your other debts and pay it off in 10 years.”

All of a sudden, you go on a big cruise to Alaska. It says, “Instead of ten years, we’re going to have to recalculate.” Now, maybe it’s 10.5. You will know what every single dollar is doing for you. Whether it slaps you on the wrist or pats you on the back, the program is going to tell you what the value of a dollar is for you and how every dollar that you’re spending either helps you in building wealth or harms you. We then start making wiser financial decisions.

YREL 407 | Interest Rates
Interest Rates: A perfect financial GPS program will allow you to know what every single dollar is doing for you. You will know if what you’re spending helps you build or harm your wealth.


It’s not just about getting out of debt either. There are three different types of people that I find that this program works well for. The first type of person is someone who says, “I want to pay off all my debt and be debt-free. I am nearing retirement, I’m in a forever home, or just debt-averse.” That’s the first type. The second type of person says, “I don’t care about paying off debt.”

Truthfully, that’s where I am. I don’t want bad debt like credit cards and car loans but I don’t mind having mortgage debt. I would like to invest in multiple properties or rentals like Airbnb, leverage some equity out of my house, start a business, or invest in cryptocurrency. The second type of person is someone who wants to leverage their debt to create wealth.

The third type of person that we see is people who don’t know how to manage their cashflow. It always seems like there are more months at the end of their money. I’m sure people who are reading can identify with that. This program is going to show you where every dollar is going. It can plan 50 years into the future and help you make wise decisions. “When should I start Social Security income? How do I plan for my next vacation? Should I pay cash or can I save the money? Will this program help me do that?” Yes. It’ll tell you whether it’s better to buy a car, lease it, or finance it. Does the interest rate matter as much as we think it does? It’s a great way to manage cashflow as well.

I had a client who told me that he has 29 years left on his mortgage. He refinanced like most of us have. He said, “I want to retire in eight years. That’s my plan but I can’t retire with the debt that I have. I am looking at programs to help me get out of debt faster.” Once we ran his no-obligation analysis because we’ll put together a debt-free analysis for you, once we did that for him, it showed him getting out of debt in six years.

Remember, he wants to retire in eight. He said, “Six is amazing if I can be debt-free by then,” but he said, “What if I wanted to save a little bit more than what I’m doing now? Could we bump that 6 years up to 8 years? I have everything paid off by the time I retire but maybe I start investing. Now, I’ve got eight more years for that money to grow.” We were able to show him how to simultaneously build wealth while getting out of debt, which is important.

The type of person that this program would work well for is people who want to get out of debt. We’re going to use the checking and savings accounts that they have at their bank. I want them to have a positive cashflow. It takes about fifteen minutes a month to do this. It’s not going to be very intrusive upon your life. It’s fun to use. It becomes like a game to try to get yourself out of debt as fast as you can and drive that number down. We’re not going to refinance anything, move your money, or change your monthly budget.

I would strongly encourage anyone who’s reading to get your numbers run. There’s no obligation. Get that analysis done. We’ll show you the exact month and day that you will be debt-free, how much money you will save on interest, and how much time. The only thing that you have to lose is years off of your debt. I look forward to talking to your audience more in the future. Thank you so much for allowing me this opportunity to come on. Thank you, Michael.

Thank you so much, Heidi. There are so many nice and clean words of wisdom. I’ve said that in this episode. I’ve talked about this over the last few episodes. It’s an amazing opportunity. You can have your numbers run but we’re going to take some steps prior. I want to get you some more information. You heard it all here but I want to get that in front of you so you can see Heidi and then get more information also to the product and the program. I like the opportunity to present to you what I can do and what the numbers can do for you.

I’m a certified trainer in the product and the promotion of the product. I’ve been doing it only for the reason to help my clients save more money, including my readers. It’s all about your pocketbook as I am doing this myself. I’m taking my debt down by $207,000 of interest. I could have maybe mimicked a portion of that but I was leaving money on the table. As smart as you are or as ignorant as you are perhaps, it makes no difference. It’s your money and I want to help you save it. We’ll be back for another segment to go but you can email Radio@United4Loans.com. You can go to YourRealEstateLife.com to get started. (888) 543-3980.

What are you doing about your finances? Are you paying your bills? Are you deciding what bills you can pay and which ones you cannot pay? Do you have the right loan? Are you renting? Are you making your landlord’s mortgage payment? Maybe you are making one. It’s not your own. Maybe you’re making your mortgage payment but not at the right pace. It’s not changing your lifestyle. It’s paying things off more effectively, utilizing the principles of money. We’re not going to get into a course here or advanced degrees but I like to show you that opportunity that Heidi spoke about in our last segment.

Celebrating Refunds

I want to show you how you can utilize a perfect financial GPS to navigate your present and future decisions to make sure you are debt-free much sooner and you’re keeping that money in your checkbook. It’s in your account, earning the right return and it’s staying there for the right proper amount of time. People are celebrating, “I got a refund.” That’s great but you gave your money for a year to somebody else at 0%. You foregone the benefit of utilizing that money to help other interests go away on your side of the ledger.

You pay bills early. You pay bills when they don’t even have interest tied to them on monthly bills. You can pay them on said dates and keep your money longer to use that money to pay off other items that you’re paying interest on. It’s very complicated because you could have solved variables on five different fronts. Go back to the day when you decided that a calculator could help you solve these things that maybe you can figure out but you didn’t have to because the calculator was going to take care of it for you. You bought a calculator. It saves you some time. In some cases, some money.

Think about it this way. You’re driving in a car. Maybe it’s a newer car or whatever the case may be. How many of you remember the day when you had roadmaps that folded up and you couldn’t figure out how to fold them correctly and get them back in the glove compartment? They were in that little binder there behind the other key information. You made the mistake of opening the roadmap, even sitting in the passenger seat blocking the windshield, and you threw it in the back, it was a mess, and then you fixed it later.

Time has changed. Technology has come in making life sometimes more complicated but sometimes a lot easier. I’m talking about utilizing technology to make life easier when it comes to your numbers, your debt, and your ability to utilize technology for money management. I’ve shown individuals how to save over $200,000 to $300,000. You do not need to own a home to take advantage of debt retirement, paying off debt sooner than what the term was you signed for. You still will owe what you signed for as far as the principal but I’m talking about retiring the interest sooner.

Let me run your numbers and show you what we can do. Let’s start a process. The only thing I ask of you is to email me or call me. You can email me at Radio@United4loans.com. You can call me at (888) 543-3980. That’s (888) LIFE-980. You have the ability to additionally text me at that number. All I ask is your name, your number, and an email that I can send a few links for you to look at. We don’t sell your information. It goes nowhere. It’s between us. I’m going to make sure you have an understanding. If you like to go forward then with an appointment, we will set that appointment.

We had a lot of activity. It was a very busy week with a lot of first appointments. We’ve had some second appointments. We’ve had some people go forward. We even had a couple of people who were looking at this going, “I know so many people I can help.” We’re running a special in April 2023 and we’ll go over to another time but they want to refer. For those referrals and helping people, they’re getting additional residual monies. They don’t have to be knowledgeable about the product but they’re showing people that their opportunity exists. As a certified trainer, I’ll be there to help walk through that process.

There are so many things that can be done to help you move forward with your debt structure, be more responsible, and help you and your family be comfortable in your home. My goal is to make sure you have the right loan for your family’s future. You may have the right loan but you have other things piling up behind it that are making it in jeopardy. I don’t want that to be the case.

Let me understand. If you worked with somebody else on your loan, that’s fine. We’re not talking about the loan. I’m not refinancing. Only if it made sense, I would tell you why and how. If we’re not even doing that and we’re just trying effectively do money management and retire that debt much sooner, you’ll have the last laugh. I want to run your numbers and show you the results. (888) 543-3980.

Finish The Year On Top

Our baseball season started. I want you to be on top and finish the year with your finances where you want to be. I’ve had people retire their debt before. Now, they’re getting retired from their job. I’ve had them say they wanted to retire their debt before their kids were eighteen. They’re doing just that. I’ve had other individuals who thought they would never pay off their debts. For some people, it’s not important. It’s important to manage their debt to allow them to create additional wealth.

We have individuals who are buying additional property, and real estate, getting rents, getting those offsetting the mortgage, and creating additional monthly wealth. They’re stepping up and retiring the debt even sooner, allowing them to create additional debt to leverage to create additional wealth by buying multiple doors and multiple properties, creating additional wealth through real estate.

Some individuals are buying additional property to collect rent, offset the mortgage, and create additional monthly wealth. Click To Tweet

We’re not only looking at debt elimination but wealth building. Where you are in your path can be achieved and done? For some people, they want to pay off debt and live comfortably. Good. For other people, they want to do that and create more. They want the opportunity to build that legacy and build further. That’s fine, too. Wherever you are in the process, I’m looking to help fill that void or information for you to gain that why. What is your why? I want to talk to you about that. I’m here for you every day.

I want to talk to you about where you want to achieve success, whether it’s through your mortgage, getting started, buying a property, refinancing a property, and debt consolidation if needed. I want to talk to you about a perfect financial GPS program. That’s the focus I have for you. It’s no obligation, no strings attached. Your items are not being sold to anyone else. You’re getting valuable information with an open mind that you’re going to look to. There’s no harm in doing just that. (888) 543-3980, or email me at Radio@United4Loans.com. You can go to the website at YourRealEstateLife.com or get started on a loan process at United4Loans.com. I want to talk to you about your real estate life.

Mortgage Statement

In this episode, we emphasized a lot about debt. We talked about the elimination of debt. When you have a mortgage, have you looked at your statement? How much and what percentage is interest payment to a loan or principal reduction? That opens your eyes right away. You may have a 3% loan but 60% to 70% is going towards interest. That is the big item that I want to show you how to flip the tables and make that go a lot sooner, not waiting for 21.4 years before it’s 50/50. I want to get you further ahead.

Look at a $200,000 loan at 6% and $199, $200, or $201 going towards principal. The other $900 is going towards interest, if you just took 6 months, which is about $1,200 bucks and we were able to move $1,200 towards that principal reduction, that would eliminate $6,000 to $7,000 payments. All of a sudden, we’re going to move the needle six months further or less than that because you’re making that payment in month 7 instead of months 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. You are paying the seventh month of interest and you’ve eliminated that other interest.

There are so many different ways and I’m not asking you to become a financial expert. The program and the opportunity will do that for you. That’s what I like to show you. Utilizing these principles of money is going to allow you to move the needle to your advantage. This is what the banks are doing with your money when you pay 80%, 70%, 50%, or 60% interest on the money that you’re sending over the first few years or years of your loan. They’re saying, “Thank you very much.” I’m trying to reverse the item or reverse course and have you be the bank, take advantage of that, and retire the debt.

YREL 407 | Interest Rates
Interest Rates: When you pay banks with interest, you are sending money over the first few years of your loan. Find out how to reverse it, become the bank, and finally retire the debt.


The debt and the loan are needed. You need to leverage money so that you don’t have to gain the home or the place that you desire but it doesn’t mean you have to carry it for 30 years, 15 years, or how many years you’re taking it out. There are individuals that we made certain decisions based upon running this program. We were paying off their debt in under ten years.

We then, in tune, did not do a 30-year fixed. We did a loan that was fixed for ten years and then went variable after year ten. We saved the money on the upfront interest rate and cost because the debt won’t be there in ten years, let alone there will be different cycles. Rates will be lower during that time too but why get a 30-year or even a 15-year loan with a bigger payment because it’s amortized faster? If you could do a 10-year loan, that’s still amortized over 30 but the rate was lower because it was fixed for 10 years.

We had another individual who was paying off their debt in 5.9 years. We decided to do seven years and then it went variable at that time. They didn’t need to pay for the 30. We went over everything else and looked at a lot of different things before making that decision very quickly. It made sense. We’ve had investors who we show that that loan could be paid off in a little over four years. They were doing loans that were fixed for five years on the investment property to leverage it properly because the loan wouldn’t be in place at that time. If it is, it’s going to be very little to the property. Even if it’s a property they keep, it’ll be paid off very quickly.

It’s getting the right loan for the right leverage for the right timing based on debts and handling money properly. If you own multiple properties, I want to talk to you and show you how this can work for you. It’s not for people who are struggling or behind. It’s not only for that. It’s people who are doing very well. 2 plus 2 is 4. 10 million plus 10 million is 20 million. We know the math. You may be operating at a different level but the numbers are real. We added zeros behind them but they still mean the same. The interest and leverage are still there.

I want to help everyone who has any interest or any debt they pay to achieve better results. It’s only that simple. Radio@United4Loans.com. We’re in quarter number two, one quarter in the books. This is not an April Fool’s joke. This is your money and life. My responsibility I have is to make you aware that there’s a better way and there’s no obligation. Nothing is forcing you to do anything other than understand and open your eyes to see the opportunity. (888) 543-3980.

I’m standing by after the program to pick up over my team who has been working hard during this program. I’m going to pick up calls directly myself. I want to talk to you and understand where you are, where’s your why, and where you are looking to buy a property. You’re in a property. You have too much debt and too many obligations. You have credit card debt that’s piling up. Whatever your worries are, I want to understand that, have a meeting with you, go over these items, gain your numbers, and see what program and opportunity we could do for you.

I have time on my hands but only limited time like all of us do so I want to get appointments booked and make sure I’m available. I can do back-to-backs with people but normally, I want to make sure I’m not rushing anyone. I want to make sure the calendar fits right so we’ll go ahead and do that. We’ll talk more. (888) 543-3980. Go to YourRealEstateLife.com. I’m the President and CEO of United Mortgage Corporation of America at United4Loans.com. I’ve been doing this for many years and also on the radio. I come to you because I want you to spend your money the way I spend mine sparingly.

Your lender is not your friend. Your money is. Click To Tweet

I want value for my money and so should you. Your lender is not your friend. It’s your money. I want to help give it back to you. Let me help you do that. I’m going to have very busy days until I talk to you in the next episode. I want to make sure you’re saving money. Pick up the phone. (888) 543-3980. Thank you to Heidi, our guest in the third segment. Until next time. What kind of loan do you have?

There are a couple of things to mention quickly. There are many types of loans out there. We can get one-day approvals for you. Some loans are cross-collateralized. If you own many properties, we can cross-collateralize equity. We are doing commercial loans. There are a lot of public and private placement items we can do in the business sector. Whether you’re looking to borrow $100,000 or $100 million, I want to talk to you about proper placement and proper loans for your unique situation. Thank you for joining us. I look forward to talking to you and reducing your debt. We’ll talk in the next episode.


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